Spaghetti with Fresh Tomato Sauce from Puglia


  • 2 large cloves of garlic

  • Vito and Joe’s Olive Oil

  • 6 medium-sized tomatoes, any type

  • 1 lb. dried spaghetti

  • around 20 leaves of fresh basil

  • shredded Parmigiano-Reggiano for topping

  • salt

  • pepper

How to Prepare

  1. Begin heating a pot of water to cook your spaghetti in. Don’t add any oil!

  2. Peel garlic and cut into quarters. Smash into a rough paste using the side of your knife (or you can use a garlic press).

  3. Heat 2 tbsp. of olive oil in a large pan over low heat. Add garlic and let it sweat to release the oils in the garlic.

  4. While the garlic is sweating, fill a large bowl with water and add your tomatoes. Holding a tomato underwater, pierce the top with your thumb to break it open. Deseed the tomatoes and remove all the flesh and seeds from the inside. Do this for all your tomatoes.

  5. Once your water has reached a rolling boil, add your spaghetti and full submerge in the water, making sure to stir often. You’ll cook the pasta for around 7 minutes and finish cooking it with the tomatoes.

  6. While the pasta is cooking, tear the tomatoes into small pieces, add to the oil and garlic, and stir to cover in oil. You don’t want to cook the tomatoes down at all. Sprinkle with salt.

  7. Tear the basil and add to the tomatoes. Mix everything together.

  8. Once the paste is mostly cooked and softened but not yet al dente, use tongs to transfer the pasta to the tomato mixture. Stir together and add a ladle-full of your pasta water to the pan. Continue mixing until the paste reaches your desired consistency and doneness.

  9. Transfer to a plate, top with shredded Parmesan and enjoy!