Stuffed Dates with Cheese and Nuts


  • Walnuts

  • Dried dates

  • Nutmeg

  • Mascarpone cheese (6 – 7 tbsp.)

How to Prepare

  1. In a small dish, place the 6 – 7 dollops of the mascarpone cheese.

  2. Sprinkle a very tiny amount of nutmeg over the top (about 1/16 of a teaspoon). Mix.

  3. Open the dates by slicing it down the middle with a knife to open them up.

  4. On a plate, crack the walnuts with a walnut cracker. a. Try to work down to ¼.

  5. Take half of a spoonful of the mascarpone cheese and fill a date with it.

  6. Top with a walnut (and powdered sugar if desired). Enjoy!